
Campervans with style!

A lot has happened to us over the years, but one thing certainly doesn’t change: we want to give you the experience of stylish, free travel. With our rental camper vans, you can experience beautiful moments crossing the roads in nature.

At our events and online platforms, we try to unite those who yearn for this liberating feeling of life.

Welcome to the vanlifer community!

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vanlifer trip

A liberating journey?

We drive so much in our daily lives; we work so much, and we’re in a constant state of flux. It would be so lovely to switch off sometimes! But really. Is that what you want too?  

Dunakanyar Guide

Dunakanyar Guide

Inspiration for your days in the Danube Bend. Download the summary e-book about the region!

Horvátország Guide

Horvátország Guide

Are you planning a trip to Croatia? We can give you some tips! Download the e-book.

Balaton-felvidék Guide

Balaton-felvidék Guide

Off to the Balaton Highlands! We have collected some beautiful places to help you. Click for the e-book.

Őrség Guide

Őrség Guide

Escape to Őrség! You can find the best places in the region in the downloadable e-book.


and adventure fills your soul!

By joining the vanlifer community, you can experience free travel in a way that is impossible in any other form. You can connect with nature and travel the country’s beautiful landscapes without limits, at your leisure.

And in the community, you can share it all and exchange experiences with like-minded people.


Vans for Rent

You can choose from more than four campervans! Check all the campervans on page “renting“.


Meet our big green girl, Duxy!


Meet the newest member of our family. This is Blues! 


The new member of our family, Nitro! Now you can enjoy freedome with up to 4 people.

Hotel Grand

Hotel Grand California gives you the true freedom of vanlife wanderlust without sacrificing any of the comforts of home. Our luxury Volkswagen campervan is the perfect companion to explore the world on four wheels. Comfortable bedrooms and bathrooms, a modern kitchen, living room and study, a boundless garden and an ever-changing panorama… Nomadic luxury, the endless horizon and you!


Explore Croatia with this stylish campervan! Hop into this truly unique campervan in Zagreb and enjoy the journey.

“Hi guys, I’m so happy that we’ve been able to meet you and make a bucket list dream come true…with a child. It was a fun way to celebrate our one-year-old’s birthday.”


“I would like to thank you again for the experience. It was fantastic! It was our first time in a camper van, but not the last time, we want to try it on the beach next summer. “


“We had a great time. Yesterday we finally found a good place in Badacsony where we could have a barbecue and had a wonderful view, and I like the fishing lake Majki near Oroszlány.”

Mirjam and Balázs

“We went around the famous settlements, Magyarszombatfa, Velemér, then back north through Őriszentpéter, Szalafő and the open-air museum. At the back, there is a camping area. We were the only ones there. We took Duxy to the back so we could be relatively separated from the guests of the guesthouses, the kitchen of a cabin belonging to a separate small campsite, and a toilet was also available.”

Kinga and Zsolt

“We really enjoyed this kind of lifestyle, we haven’t tried it before, but we will definitely do it in the future. “

Marcell Rozner

“Hi guys, I’m so happy that we’ve been able to meet you and make a bucket list dream come true…with a child. It was a fun way to celebrate our one-year-old’s birthday.”


“I would like to thank you again for the experience. It was fantastic! It was our first time in a camper van, but not the last time. We want to try it on the beach next summer. “


“We had a great time. Yesterday we finally found a good place in Badacsony where we could have a barbecue and have a wonderful view, and I like the fishing lake Majki near Oroszlány.”

Mirjam and Balázs

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